
Ppt Apk For Android Free Download

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Download Microsoft PowerPoint: Slideshows and Presentations apk 16.0.8 for Android. Do your best work with Office, use đź’ˇ features and ️ with your 👬. Oct 29, 2019  POWERPOINT REQUIREMENTS. OS version: running any of the supported versions of Android and have an ARM-based or Intel x86 processor. Support for Kitkat & Lollipop devices will continue till June 2019. 1 GB RAM or above To create or edit documents, sign in with a free Microsoft account on devices with a screen size of 10.1 inches or smaller.

You might have heard that Microsoft Office, like Word and Excel has become available on Android. How does it go with Power Point then? Just like Word and Excel, it has been part of our daily needs in school or workplace for mostly presentation. What if we don’t bring laptop around to make or edit one? This is why Microsoft PowerPoint latest APK 16.0.8827.2054 (2001448973) comes to existence, today.

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  1. Download Convert PowerPoint To PDF app for Android. Convert Power Point (PPT, PPTX and others) files to PDF file.
  2. Ppt viewer free download - PPT Controller, ppt finder, PPT Remote Bridge, and many more programs. Publisher: Gears Apps Downloads: 19. PPT File Reader. Android app to edit WORD.
  3. PowerPoint for Android phones is a free download from Google Play. Once you have it installed, follow along with this animated guide to learn some quick tips. Start a slide show. Tap the From Current button, then swipe left to go forward, or swipe right to go in reverse. (It’s just like turning pages in a book.).

Table of Contents

  • Microsoft PowerPoint File Information
  • Download Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft PowerPoint review
  • ChangeLog
  • Older Versions

Microsoft PowerPoint File Information


Developer: Microsoft Corporation
Version: 16.0.8827.2054 (2001448973)
File size: 62.5 MB
Uploaded: December 28, 2017 at 9:42AM GMT+07
Requirement: Android 4.4 and up
MD5: c2227cc867dcc5744ffe38b70b5036a5

Download Microsoft PowerPoint APK 16.0.8827.2054

Microsoft PowerPoint review

Yes, this is the very app that brings Ms PowerPoint application on your Android device. Normally, you would make, read, or edit file of this app on PC, right? With this app, now you will be able to do them all on your Android instead. Of course, you can move Power Point files on your PC to your Android. What’s great about this app is that it makes the files compatible with it even if they have to move to different device. Compatibility like this means that you can get to do PowerPoint things on Android just like how it does on your PC.

Ppt Apk For Android Free Download Full Game

Compatibility is not the only thing the app is good at. It can make your PC files compatible on Android of course, but it won’t alter your files in any way to the point of changing the format and the data itself. This app is known for its precision and accuracy of things. You will get the app featured in the same way as it is on PC and you will also get to access your files just like how it usually goes on PC as well. See? That is why this app can be the best alternative to the one on PC whenever you don’t bring laptop around to do the job.

You can’t say that the app won’t have any cons at all just because you know that it can work on Android just like it is on PC. If there are pros, there must be cons as well. You’ve got to keep this in mind for there is no such thing as perfect app after all. Let us list the pros and the cons here below.


  • Complete Enough Features
  • Can Send and Receive Files
  • Convenient and Easy to Use
  • Useful When No Laptop Around

Apk Pure Download For Android

How to Use

Apkpure Apk Download For Android

Ppt apk for android free download apk

Free download latest images for mobile. First thing first, the use of the app will have to start from activating it yourself. This app is not something that can simply be used once you install and open it. You have to sign in first. Use your Microsoft account (make one if you don’t have any) to sign in. Then, you will be able to enjoy all the features that Microsoft PowerPoint for Android could offer to you. You should then know the rest for it is the same as it is on the computer.


We regularly release updates to the app, which include great new features, as well as improvements for speed and reliability.

Older Versions of Microsoft PowerPoint

Best Apk Apps For Android

updated: December 28, 2017

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